IFFLA 2017: Red carpet interview with Actor Taaha Shah Badusha


The 15th Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles took off to a great start with a sparkling red carpet ceremony at LA Regal Live Cinemas .

Actor Taaha Shah Badusha spoke with Entertainment Today Guest reporter Kalpana Pandit about the festival and his upcoming projects

The Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles ( IFFLA) is a nonprofit organization devoted to a greater appreciation of Indian Cinema and Culture by showcasing films and promoting the diverse perspectives of the Indian diaspora

For more information: www.indianfilmfestival.org
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/indianfilmfes…

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Kalpana Pandit is an actor/ independent movie producer/ entrepreneur and also a board certified doctor in the United States. She has been a travelling Emergency Room Physician practicing part time in small towns across the United States while she is pursuing her passion of being a part of great movies. Her passion for creativity led her to establish her own production banner " House of Pandit" in 2010 which has since produced a multiple award winning HIV/AIDS awareness film "Jo Jo Laali" and a full fledged Bollywood feature film " Janleva 555" both with medical awareness messages. Jo Jo Laali has won Kalpana two " Best Actress" awards in Indian Film Festivals and a total of 13 awards for the film itself . Kalpana has acted in numerous Bollywood movies , notably " Gajagamini", " Moksha" and " Love Khichdi ". She has travelled far and wide in the capacity of "Guest of Honor" and part of the Jury of various cultural events across America. Currently, her next home production movie of " House of Pandit" Sulige Sikkidaaga " Be fluid as water" which contains the very imperative message of Womens Empowerment and Epilepsy awareness is receiving tremendous applause in film festivals and has already won four awards in International Film Festivals Pandit hopes to continue to make timeless classics on celluloid which entertain the audience across generations with their great stories and also carry excellent messages of awareness for the people.


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