Joe Perry lead guitarist of Aerosmith & Rock Legends CES Monster Concert


Earlier tonight Joe Perry -the lead guitarist of Aerosmith, – led an All-Star group of Rock Legends in an amazing concert at The CES Convention in Las Vegas, at The Brooklyn Bowl at The Linq. The “Sound of Rock Concert” had Joe Perry and friends performing -including: Robert and Dean Deleo: Founding members of Stone Temple Pilots, playing on bass and guitar. Robin Zander from Hall of Fame Classic Rock Icons Cheap Trick, and Gary Cherone singer from Extreme and Van Halen, played on some songs.  

Founder and CEO :  Noel Lee  of “Monster” , Monster Music, and Monster Products, put on this once in a lifetime concert, as a way to introduce his great new products, which is always the highlight of the annual CES Electronic Convention, which in turn is the biggest convention of any kind in the world ! The Execs and staff of Entertainment & Sports Today, and Entertainment Today TV were privileged to be invited to this Pre- Concert VIP Dinner, and Mixer with Noel Lee : 

With all of these Rock All-Stars all together up on the same stage – the sold out audience went crazy, and “blew the roof” off the concert hall ! In this video segment you can have a front row seat to see this concert , and see and hear these Rock Stars “Walk This Way” : 

 For the complete story go to:, on Facebook & Instagram: @entertainmentandsportstoday ,and  #LasVegas @lasvegas_lv  @lasvegas #CES2018 #CES @joeperryofficial @aerosmith @monsterproducts @theheadmonster #NoelLee 


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