The American Music Awards Celebrity Connected Luxury Gifting Suite

American Music Awards Celebrity Connected Gift Suite at W Hotel Hollywood

Earlier today our news team went to The W Hotel in Hollywood, to cover The American Music Awards Celebrity Connected Luxury Gifting Suite. In this gift suite there was sponsoring businesses in Technology, home decor, beauty, health, food/beverage, the latest in fashion/apparel industries , and many new and unique products. The many celebrities, and news outlets that attended this amazing event, loved the products that was given to them !  Below is our TV show host for Entertainment Today – Margie Rey, and Amie Watson of The Elephant Pants , maker of beautiful Elephant Pants and shirts where proceeds go to “Save the Elephants” :

Below is Margie and the staff for Second Skin, the makers of designer athletic gear , and fashionable clothing- like pants and hoodies :

Below Margie talks to the founder : Alexa Varano- of Third Wolf, that make unique and original hand-painted clothing, where all designs are hand drawn and all stencils are hand cut , that makes their clothing something special : 

Below Margie learns about Handcrafted Organic Hand salves , from Alicia “Belle” Russell the founder of Wise Hands. These salves can get rid of pain in your joints and inflammation that you may have : 

For great skin care products, and soap balms for bathing -go to , as shown in the next 2 photos :

Below is Nikolina Designs that makes great chains for you to wear : “Every look deserves an accessory ” : 

Below Elixir Cosmetics makes excellent Golden Face Masks : 

For the best in skin care and cosmetics go to : 

Below Margie checks out some very beautiful designed Jewelry by : 

Watch Ya Mouth has a great fun game where you put a mouth piece in your mouth and try to tell people words,  that they try to guess what you are saying to win the game : 

For the complete story , and information on all the products in this news segment, and to order these great products go to: and #repost @repostapp @amas #NikolinaDesigns @NikolinaDesigns #NikolinaDesigns @ThirdWolfDesigns #SecondSkin  #TheElephantPants  @TheElephantPants


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