“To the Moon and Back” premiers in wake of Congressional movement

"To the Moon and Back" premiers in wake of Congressional movement
 Susan Morgan Cooper’s (photo just below right) documentary, To the Moon and Back, about the Russian Adoption Ban, had it’s West Coast premier at Dances with Films, Friday night. The screening, took place in Hollywood Chinese Theater, to a full house and a standing ovation.
The film has already helped propel last week’s bill, the Hot Cars Act, that was entered into Congress.  Miles Harrison, the main subject of To the Moon and Back, testified in Congress in Washington D.C. on Wednesday June 7th, urging Congress to approve the bill that will mandate sensory alarm systems in all automobiles designed to save children’s lives.
Morgan Cooper discovered Harrison’s shocking story shortly after Vladimir Putin blamed the Adoption Ban crisis on Harrison.  Wednesday’s Congressional event marks the first breakthrough in bringing attention to this issue.  “If enough people are made aware, mountains will eventually move” Morgan Cooper stated at the film’s Q&A.
Displaying Dances, Susan, Miles, Dan.jpg
 Geopolitical games deny children loving homes :
Miles Harrison, an ordinary American from Virginia adopts a beautiful orphan boy from Russia. Meanwhile, Bill Browder, a billionaire investment banker seeks justice for his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky who is killed after exposing corruption in the Russian government. The actions of both men cause the Russian Adoption Ban. On December 14, 2012 after President Obama passes the Magnitsky Act, President Putin quickly retaliates and passes The Russian Adoption Ban. To the Moon and Back explores the events leading up to The Russian Adoption Ban and its impact. Thousands of Russian orphans, many with disabilities, now have no hope of being adopted. Hundreds of U.S. parents are forced to betray their commitments to their children and are left in limbo, unable to realize their dream of becoming a family.  Director Susan Morgan Cooper with Miles Harrison at the Sedona Int. Film Festival
Following the film, prominent guests came together during an elegant party at Morgan Cooper’s Hollywood Hills’ home, to discuss the next step in the film’s objective: Freeing the American-adopted orphans still trapped in Russia.
The party’s sponsors include Box Choy, who provided delicious, healthy Chinese food, Hint Water provided refreshing flavored water, and Light it Up!, a professional movie lighting service, transformed the grounds into a magical experience for all of the guests.

To the moon and back poster


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