Pre-COVID-19 Britney Spears Concert Live from Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas


This is a look back to the Pre- Coronavirus era-when we could enjoy having more than 10 people together in one enclosed place to watch a great show and have a great time: 

Be the 1st. to see Britney Spears on Entertainment & Sports Today ! – Last Night at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino Las Vegas- Caesars Entertainment , was the Opening Night of Britney Spears’ New Show : ” Britney – Piece of Me” , that was a hugh success and played to a sold out audience , including many “A – List ” stars .

So make sure that you get out to Las Vegas soon for this great show put on by an icon of the music world’s pop culture : superstar – Britney Spears!

Here is an exclusive clip video, and photos from: Britney Spears Opening Night Concert, and for more videos,past TV shows, Interviews, and Global Web Streams, go to : Thanks for Watching !

  • Video title: Britney Spears Opening Night Concert in Las Vegas
  • Song: Till The World Ends
  •  By: SME
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