Sober Rush allows you to fully enjoy your night out, without feeling it the next morning!
Fulgent Life, a Southern California biotech company, launched its pre-drink supplement, Sober Rush in Anaheim at Natural Products Expo West. While, there are many hangover therapies on the market, it seems that Sober Rush is a game changer. While it is widely believed that dehydration is the primary cause of hangovers and that hydrating is the key to alleviating one’s symptoms, the true cause of discomfort is the build-up of a toxic byproduct of alcohol called acetaldehyde (AH-SEE-DAL-DEE-HIDE). Sober Rush is taken before your first drink and again (if your consumption has been heavy) after your last one. It uses a coenzyme called NADH that is naturally present in the body to activate the break-down of acetaldehyde. Visit
“By preventing most of the negative effects from alcohol from ever occurring, Sober Rush allows people to experience and enjoy alcohol more positively,” says Dr. Yong Wu an Associate Professor at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA Johnson Comprehensive Cancer Center; and the Core Director for the Drug Discovery Program.
When you consume alcohol, your liver uses an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase to break the ethanol down to acetaldehyde – a chemical that is up to 30x more toxic to the body than ethanol itself. Acetaldehyde is what causes most hangovers and since it is potentially carcinogenic, you should try to help your body eliminate it quickly.
Sober Rush is on Amazon, and in stores in California, Seattle, Hawaii and New York.
Amy with Dr. Wu from Sober Rush