Shanghai New International Expo Centre : HUAWEI CONNECT 2017

Shanghai New International Expo Centre

HUAWEI CONNECT 2017, will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, September 5 to 7, 2017. HUAWEI CONNECT is an industry expo and forum that brings together the leaders of global ICT with the industries they serve and enable. 华为全联接大会

We live in times of lightning-quick change: Cloud and digitization are transforming the business world and personal lifestyles. Companies have to adapt fast to seize the opportunities and meet new challenges. This year’s HUAWEI CONNECT invites you to “Grow with the Cloud”. Along with industry leaders, partners, and business gurus, we will be discussing how digitization can create new growth. Over 1,000 sessions, summits, and forums, new solutions from more than 100 exhibitors, ubiquitous opportunities to make business connections… HUAWEI CONNECT is a rich brew of ideas, business, and technology. 

You will have the opportunity to:

  • Talk face-to-face with over 10,000 leading experts from your industry and others
  • Learn new industry insights and roads to new growth
  • Engage with potential customers and peers on new deals and partnerships
  • Find business inspiration as you experience the latest technology trends and solutions

Guo Ping

Rotating and Acting CEO, Huawei

Day1 September 5, 2017

The digital tide cannot be turned back. IDC predicts that global enterprise spending on digitization in 2017 will be US$1.2 trillion, 17.8% higher than the previous year. So how can governments and companies take advantage of this shift? How can they ride it to new levels of success?

Watch this space to learn how business leaders see the opportunities – and pitfalls – of digital transformation.

Day2 September 6, 2017

Digitization is not an instant switchover. It is a long journey of evolution, driven by innovations in both technology and applications. PWC has found that even in 2017, only 52% of companies believe that they have the digital IQ to drive innovation and technology. How can we respond to challenges and learn the right lessons?

Watch this space as industry explorers share their experience, their technologies, and their plans for digital transformation.

Day3 September 7, 2017

Digital is not a project. It is an unprecedented, epochal change. The complexity of digital means that companies must come together in an ecosystem to build a shared future. But when the technology is constantly advancing, how can companies use new technologies, link up with partners and developers, and forge business success and personal growth?

Watch this space for a rich broth of idea from some of the leaders of the ICT ecosystem.


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